“Care constitutes a feeling with, rather than a feeling for, others. When mobilized, it offers visceral, material, and emotional heft to acts of preservation that span a breadth of localities: selves, communities, and social worlds.” *
This ongoing project aims to understand ways that spaces and enactments of care constitute everyday acts of becoming. Caring is seeing and being with things in a way which makes visible their and our everyday co-shaping - our continuous and contingent trajectories of becoming. In other words we can see how enmeshed we are to our things when we care for them. And we are enmeshed differently, sometimes more mutually, because, how, and when we care for them.
This notion raises some interesting questions when considering the increasing agency and authority of IoT in a home. Because these things are connected directly with systems and assemblages which actively influence the ways that they co-shape, and are intentionally designed to conceal their inherited trajectories, does that make them more resistant to acts of care? How might we approach conceptualizing and designing home IoT to enmesh more mutually? This is where I begin my work with OpenDoTT (Open Design of Trusted Things), a Phd program with Northumbria University and Mozilla Foundation.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813508.
*Hi‘ilei Julia Kawehipuaakahaopulani Hobart and Tamara Kneese. 2020. Radical Care: Survival Strategies for Uncertain Times. Social Text 38. https://doi.org/10.1215/01642472-7971067
Key, C., Browne, F., Taylor, N., Rogers, J. (2021).
Proceed with Care: Reimagining Home IoT Through a Care Perspective. In Proc. CHI'21, New York, ACM Press. *Awarded Honorable Mention
Proceed with Care: Reimagining Home IoT Through a Care Perspective. In Proc. CHI'21, New York, ACM Press. *Awarded Honorable Mention