This directed research project aimed to use research through design, experiential co-speculation, and critical design to uncover new and more holistic ways of designing for the Internet of Things (IoT). Today’s IoT products are designed with the presumption that their primary use will be in a single family home. This stereotypical view of family life and home limits our understanding of the complexity and nuance of the relationship we have with these spaces. Through creating Bespoke Booklets of situated, imaginary, and personalized conceptual sketches we co-speculated and experientially envisioned alternative futures with dwellers of non-stereotypical homes.
Our findings reveal new avenues for the design of IoT systems such as: acknowledging the porous boundaries of the home, exposing neighborly relations, exploring diverse timescales, revisiting agency in the home, and embracing imaginary and potential uses.
Collaborators: Audrey Desjardins, Kelsey Aschenbeck, Nouela Johnston, Heidi Briggs, Ioan Butiu, and Jeremy Viny.
Desjardins, A., Viny, J.E., Key, C., Johnston, N. (2019)
Alternative Avenues for IoT: Designing with Non-Stereotypical Homes. In Proc. CHI'19, New York, ACM Press, in press. *Awarded Honorable Mention.
Alternative Avenues for IoT: Designing with Non-Stereotypical Homes. In Proc. CHI'19, New York, ACM Press, in press. *Awarded Honorable Mention.
Desjardins, A., Key, C., Briggs, H., Aschenbeck, K. (2019)
Bespoke Booklets: A Method for Situated Co-Speculation. In Proc. DIS’19, New York, ACM Press.
Bespoke Booklets: A Method for Situated Co-Speculation. In Proc. DIS’19, New York, ACM Press.